LEAKED – Illuminati Symbiology
I have it on TOP SECURITY AUTHORITY that the new album art for Church of the Cosmic Skulls album ‘THERE IS NO TIME’ is deliberate taunting of us fellow truthseekers.
Fisrtly ‘THERE IS NO TIME’ is known amongst masonic circles as being a code word symbolising there membership.
The HOURGLASS is also symbology of ‘there is no time’ memonto mori etc etc, as in MANSONS cult they talked about these concepts (to be explored in more depth on a future post don’t even get me started on the one more step video). THIS GOES DEEP. look at the unfolded gatefold vinyl NEED I SAY MORE????
It is IMPERATIVE that we make ourselves known at their upcoming ‘SHOWS’ (exactly it IS all a show):
Proper potato brain
I like zombie Jesus
Globalist false flag! Look in the basement of the *Rainbow Lodge* #loveinyourheargate
Ran out of tinfoil, anyone have any spoons or coathangers?
I am working on a table to cross-reference the notes with timestamps in the recordings and i want you to know that you have no idea how deep this goes. If anyone is interested in doing the gematria on the lyrics we can lay that over the frequency data and get a clearer picture of exactly how we are being programmed
I would be vey interested to see the results
Looks like someone’s pattern recognition pathways are severely misfiring. What a frightening, cynical and paranoid world you seem to inhabit.
There are patterns in everything dummy wake up and see them and you will be frightemed to
“The Answers is in Your Soul’
“The Answers In Your Soul’
Sometimes a triangle is just a Triangle and a house is a horse of course unless it the lovable Mister Ed.
The pyramid is a KNOWN illuminati symbol dumbo
This people are sprading uninformation
It’s hard to agree with you when COTCS have multiple songs with the line “you can do what you want with love in your heart” while this site merely exists to spread fear and hatred.
Keep spreading the outrage that ultimately advertises the band rather than harming if it makes you happy, it definitely doesn’t hurt them and makes fans like myself laugh.
Just know that it makes you seem like a very sad and lonely individual with no joy or love in your heart.
I do hope you find that happiness one day, but it won’t be through this self imposed tirade of fear and hatred.
Do what thou wilt is a reference to ALISTAR CROWLEY THE GREAT BEAST 666 NEED I SAY MORE
Was it polemically sent? I wanna know what you meant.
Whether they’re a part of the Illuminati, or they are the Illuminati, you should think of the Illuminati as you and your friends. At least that’s what Robert Ansel Willman says.